Tuna Fish In Indonesia – YellowFintunaFactory.com
Tuna is one species of fish that has a high enough protein, so it is suitable for consumption of various ages. This fish has an excellent source of protein and has a low-fat content.
The products we offer included quality products and assured of their country, so you need to provide our product as food supply at home. Don’t forget to consume Yellowfin tuna to get good nutrition for your health. – Tuna Loins Wholesale
Yellowfin Tuna Manufactures & Supplier
To get a good tuna you should be able to choose the right manufacturer and trusted, we as a producer, of course, provide quality assurance of tuna that we produce for you and family. So, as long as we exist, your needs will be fulfilled.
Yellowfin Tuna Saku & Steaks
Yellowfin tuna belongs to tuna fish which you find in tropic and subtropics ocean. This one product usually processes in a way between the bone and the meat that has been separated and sometimes made into four parts.
This tuna has considerable benefits; besides delicious, it can support the diet program that is being run by you. With the right size and the maintained quality, the food produced will be quality as well. Don’t be doubt with our product, we offered the Saku and steak yellowfin suitable with standard and processed using modern technology so that its quality is guaranteed.
Booking Info? Call (www.YellowFintunaFactory.com)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Besides that, the consumer will eat healthy tuna to consume with your family at home. Bigeye Tuna has rich omega 3 to optimal heart function with decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol which to prevent blood clotting, decrease high pressure, and also the stroke will not attack you. We use the legal procedure when caught to prevent the pollutant in the environment and to keep out the population of bigeye tuna itself.
Skipjack Tuna Price
Skipjack tuna is a pretty common species found in the oceans with a smaller size than other species. To get the best product, you must choose the right company and trusted so that no regrets later. Because if it is wrong, it may be harmful to health in the content of the dish is not guaranteed. Bigger size and heavier of its Skipjack Tuna will be more expensive.
Booking Info? Call (http://www.YellowFintunaFactory.com/)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
Pinterest : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Supplier
Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Ground Meat
The ground meat of yellowfin tuna is the best-selling product in the world. Ice cascade in this tub is filling as needed, the comparison between ice cultivation with fish is 2: 1. Most importantly, to make this kind of dish, it requires fresh tuna meat with high quality. It will not eliminate the flavour of tuna self.
To keep the condition of tuna fish that will be processed to maintain the quality, before the process begins the fish are stored in a tub that contains ice water that has a temperature of 4 ± 2oC. They will distribute on frozen condition until the supermarket. After you buy a can of tuna ground meat, save it to frozen room in your refrigerator. Frozen will preserve the meat naturally.
Yellowfin Tuna Cube
This tuna is served in current condition only the meat alone, without head, tail, and tuna Fishman. It offers the easiness to cook directly without cutting it. The yellowfin tuna cubes also easy to store in the freezer. It will make the fish texture uneasy to rotten.
Here, the professional cutter is required to present the great tuna cubes. Production of fish that has been produced is also there as one of the products we sell with guaranteed quality and friendly prices. It produced by fabric manufacture where the process must be clean and neat until the package.
Booking Info? Call (www.YellowFintunaFactory.com)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
Pinterest : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Supplier
Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo