Tuna Loins Supplier – YellowFintunaFactory.com
The yellow line will be visible when exposed to light. So you need to provide this type of food through our products at home, of course, because of its incredible nutritional content. The marine area with the largest yellowfin tuna resource in Indonesia is the Flores Sea and Makassar Strait.
Good process is needed to keep the safety of the product before distributing to the consumer. – Yellow Fin Tuna
Yellowfin Tuna Manufactures & Supplier
Choosing the right tuna product is probably not an easy thing because we must be careful and careful in choose this one product. Therefore, you need to be very careful so that keep gets fresh tuna and give excellent benefits. But forget to give the information of how the fish source and produce.
Because although many nutrients, if the tuna you choose is wrong it will be the possible effect on your health and family. By high standard, you can get healthy tuna to consume.
Yellowfin Tuna Saku & Steaks
So, it is compatible with the price and the nutrition will you get by consuming Yellowfin tuna.
The size and weight of the meat are across-the-board cut to the order of the buyers or according to the standards that have been applied in the market. They focus on this type of yellowfin tuna because it is practical and ready to be processed. The Saku and steak yellowfin can store in a freezer before use. With the right size and the maintained quality, the food produced will be quality as well. Also, tuna is also one of the fish meat with low-calorie content, so do not worry about overeating fish food.
Booking Info? Call (www.YellowFintunaFactory.com)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
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In Indonesia, the biggest supplier of this kind comes from Bali region. Becomes the bigeye tuna supplier should have the license and following the rules, especially in the case of caught the fish. We use the legal procedure when caught to prevent the pollutant in the environment and to keep out the population of bigeye tuna itself.
Skipjack Tuna Price
Tuna consists of several species, one of them is skipjack tuna. Skipjack tuna can be processed delicious recipe. The price of skipjack tuna will accordance with the pleasure to be obtained.
The small size (about 1-3 kg) the price is 3 USD, in medium size (3-7 kg) the price is 6 USD, and for big size (more than 6 kg) usually sell out 9-10 USD. We sell the fresh product to ensure the safety skipjack products to consume by the consumer at home. However, if you want to enjoy the best quality of the skipjack tuna products, then you should buy some from our factory that is already experienced and equipped with technologies of producing the best quality of any kinds of tuna product. There are already packaged skipjack tuna in a smaller size or might be your interest to buy whole; we are also available on it.
Booking Info? Call (www.YellowFintunaFactory.com)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Ground Meat
Now, there is ground meat processed of tuna. Tuna fish in frozen stores are usually kept in quality at about 4 degrees Celsius to preserve the freshness of the fish. Tuna fish in this store is always kept at 4± 1oC, so that histamine content in tuna fish is not increased. Then, they will be freeze before using.
Tuna fish are stored in this temporary storage tank until time for the next process is usually ± 2 hours. Including tuna fish in species become one type of fish with excellent nutritional benefits for your health. Interestingly again, marine species are easy to find and processed into delicious and nutritious dishes.
Booking Info? Call (YellowFintunaFactory.com)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
Pinterest : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Supplier
Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo