Tuna Portion Suppliers – www.YellowFintunaFactory.com
Yellowfin tuna, also known as tuna Ahi, is a type of tuna that has a delicious taste of meat. Yellowfin tuna has some other terms like tuna madidihang, yellowfin-tuna (UK) and Thunnus Albacares (latin). Moreover, you will get many health benefits by consuming Yellowfin Tuna. The high level of its fatty acids may help in balancing your blood pressure level. The marine area with the largest yellowfin tuna resource in Indonesia is the Flores Sea and Makassar Strait.
Good process is needed to keep the safety of the product before distributing to the consumer. – Indonesia Frozen Fish Yellowfin Tuna Cubes Factory
Yellowfin Tuna Manufactures & Supplier
Pick your favorite tuna product and order it only in our factory anytime you want with our 24 hours service via email. So, as long as we exist, your needs will be fulfilled.
Yellowfin Tuna Saku & Steaks
Yellowfin tuna is also produced to make a yellowfin tuna and steak. In general, Saku and steak are the forms of tuna products commonly used by manufacturers to fill out the market demand both export and domestic.
Booking Info? Call (YellowFintunaFactory.com)!
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We gain fresh tuna from the fishmonger to maintain the tuna quality itself. In Indonesia, the biggest supplier of this kind comes from Bali region. We use the legal procedure when caught to prevent the pollutant in the environment and to keep out the population of bigeye tuna itself.
Skipjack Tuna Price
The price of skipjack tuna will accordance with the pleasure to be obtained. Bigger size and heavier of its Skipjack Tuna will be more expensive.
Booking Info? Call (http://www.YellowFintunaFactory.com/)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Ground Meat
Tuna ground meat is also one of the best seller tuna product purchased by the customers. With an affordable price, you can make yellowfin tuna ground meat into many kinds of dishes, like tuna burger, tuna ground roll, etc. Tuna fish in this store is always kept at 4± 1oC, so that histamine content in tuna fish is not increased. Then, they will be freeze before using.
Consumer prefers to buy this product because of it easy to cook and has a smooth texture. Including tuna fish in species become one type of fish with excellent nutritional benefits for your health. Therefore, make sure your products are available in your home to meet your family’s nutritional needs.
So, start to eat more fish, tuna can be your option to consume.
Yellowfin Tuna Cube
This tuna is served in current condition only the meat alone, without head, tail, and tuna Fishman. The head of this cut tuna indeed does not pour the quality; it would be better head fish made broth in your cooking. Besides, these tuna cubes are the most favorite products that are purchased by the customers.
Here, the professional cutter is required to present the great tuna cubes. It will also facilitate the storage and cleanliness of the tuna. You don’t need to waste time to pull out of the spine.
Booking Info? Call (http://www.YellowFintunaFactory.com/)!
Email: Indonesiatunafactory@gmail.com
Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
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Pinterest : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Supplier
Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo