Yellow Fin Tuna Kama Suppliers –
Yellowfin tuna, also known as tuna Ahi, is a type of tuna that has a delicious taste of meat. Yellowfin tuna has some other terms like tuna madidihang, yellowfin-tuna (UK) and Thunnus Albacares (latin). One of the main characteristics of yellowfin tuna is the yellow stripe along the left and right sides of the tuna. In Indonesia, the amount of yellowfin tuna is very large because and can be found in marine waters. The marine area with the largest yellowfin tuna resource in Indonesia is the Flores Sea and Makassar Strait.
Now, we compete to produce good tuna product for all people. We have a high standard to measure the quality of meat from the colour, texture, taste, and flavour. Good process is needed to keep the safety of the product before distributing to the consumer. – Tuna Naka Wholesale
Yellowfin Tuna Manufactures & Supplier
But forget to give the information of how the fish source and produce.
To get a good tuna you should be able to choose the right manufacturer and trusted, we as a producer, of course, provide quality assurance of tuna that we produce for you and family. So, as long as we exist, your needs will be fulfilled.
Yellowfin Tuna Saku & Steaks
Yellowfin tuna is also produced to make a yellowfin tuna and steak. Taken from the best and most delicious part of the tuna, not only getting a fresh Yellowfin Tuna Saku but also delicious and naturally flavorful tuna meat that you may serve the whole family. Tuna also can shape into pockets and steaks. Pocket and Steak, in general, are designations or models of tuna products commonly used by manufacturers to meet market demand both export and domestic, products cut by the standard or market demand.
Because omega-3 alone can perform the stimulation of hormones known as Leptin, which will help the body’s metabolism, so that participate in regulating body weight as food intake.
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Bigeye Tuna Supplier
The most popular tuna species in the world is Bigeye tuna. Although easy to obtain, of course, still have to be careful to choose this fish because not all producers present quality fish. As a supplier, we try to answer consumer necessity by providing much tuna from Indonesia oceans. Besides that, the bigeye tuna is important to consumed by children, because it has lots of vitamins for brain intelligence. The bigeye tuna commonly packaged as canned tuna or frozen tuna.
We gain fresh tuna from the fishmonger to maintain the tuna quality itself. Besides that, the consumer will eat healthy tuna to consume with your family at home. Bigeye Tuna has rich omega 3 to optimal heart function with decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol which to prevent blood clotting, decrease high pressure, and also the stroke will not attack you.
Skipjack Tuna Price
Choosing the right type of tuna to eat may not be easy because you have to be very careful to judge whether the fish is fresh and quality or not. If not selective when selecting instead sometimes will make us regret getting an item not following the wishes. The price of skipjack tuna will accordance with the pleasure to be obtained. Their benefits are also as good as other tuna products since they contain various healthy nutrition like high protein, vitamins, minerals and omega fatty acids.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Ground Meat
The yellowfin tuna will be ground and package in the can or plastic. Now, you don’t need to worry since you can buy some from our factory anytime you want with affordable price and fresh tuna meat.
Foods produced from the ocean are always beneficial to both fish and plant species.
For vegetarian and non-vegetarian can consume tuna as your daily dish.
Yellowfin Tuna Cube
If you want to taste a delicious tuna product, then you may try the Yellowfin Tuna Cubes. The head of the tuna is carefully cut so that its quality value does not decrease. Besides, these tuna cubes are the most favorite products that are purchased by the customers. Yellow tuna cube that has been separated from the head and bones will certainly look more beautiful and smooth when cooked.
Here, the professional cutter is required to present the great tuna cubes. It will also facilitate the storage and cleanliness of the tuna. Also, a benefit you buy tuna cube there is no spine on its meat. You don’t need to waste time to pull out of the spine.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo