Yellowfin Tuna Bitung Suppliers –
Yellowfin tuna, also known as tuna Ahi, is a type of tuna that has a delicious taste of meat. This fish has an excellent source of protein and has a low-fat content. Tuna is including fish which has high demand in the market. It is not surprising that many people who like this type of tuna as one of the ingredients to consumed.
Now, we compete to produce good tuna product for all people. In yellowfin tuna factory many types of tuna can be selected, besides that, the processed products will undoubtedly produce quality tuna that will not disappoint. Good process is needed to keep the safety of the product before distributing to the consumer. As a yellowfin tuna factory, we provide the best quality fish for people. – Frozen Bigeye Tuna Saku
Yellowfin Tuna Manufactures & Supplier
Because although many nutrients, if the tuna you choose is wrong it will be the possible effect on your health and family. The yellowfin tuna that we offer doesn’t contain the chemical substance.
Yellowfin Tuna Saku & Steaks
Since the freshness of tuna meat is number one priority, then it is highly recommended for you to purchase the Yellowfin Tuna Saku and Steaks provided by our factory. Each loin formed to smaller parts weighing 2-5 kg each depending on the size of the tuna. To get the best quality, you must pay about $10/kg. The weight per pcs of about 180-250 grams or 250-350 grams with a square or rectangular shape and no more rough fibers inside, so it’s ready for the process by the end user. Tuna steak packages are usually produced for a restaurant both exported and domestic.
The size and weight of the meat are across-the-board cut to the order of the buyers or according to the standards that have been applied in the market. Usually, they will pack by canned tuna, frozen tuna, tuna Saku, tuna tube, tuna ground, and many more. The Saku and steak yellowfin can store in a freezer before use. Tuna also contains good fats with reasonably low-calorie levels, so it is suitable for diet foods.
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Thus, we can guarantee that the quality of the tuna fish will always be fresh until it comes to your house.
Skipjack Tuna Price
Because if it is wrong, it may be harmful to health in the content of the dish is not guaranteed. For that, we are committed to providing products that fresh fish so as not to reduce the benefits in the womb.
To get the best product, you must buy from a reputable company or manufacturer, because a good producer will provide quality fresh fish and decent consumption.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Ground Meat
Tuna ground meat is also one of the best seller tuna product purchased by the customers. Try it for your cuisine. Tuna fish in this store is always kept at 4± 1oC, so that histamine content in tuna fish is not increased. Then, they will be freeze before using.
They will check it first before distributing to a department store to maintain its quality. To keep the condition of tuna fish that will be processed to maintain the quality, before the process begins the fish are stored in a tub that contains ice water that has a temperature of 4 ± 2oC. Then a can must boil to prevent contained by a germ. They will distribute on frozen condition until the supermarket. Frozen will preserve the meat naturally.
For vegetarian and non-vegetarian can consume tuna as your daily dish. So, start to eat more fish, tuna can be your option to consume.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo