Yellowfin Tuna Factory –
Tuna is including fish which has high demand in the market. Moreover, you will get many health benefits by consuming Yellowfin Tuna. So you need to provide this type of food through our products at home, of course, because of its incredible nutritional content. Thus, for the best quality of fresh or frozen tuna, you may order some through our factory which always provides the best product every single day.
Because it tastes delicious and easy to process it makes many manufacturers provide this type of fish. We have a high standard to measure the quality of meat from the colour, texture, taste, and flavour. Good process is needed to keep the safety of the product before distributing to the consumer. – Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Kama
Yellowfin Tuna Manufactures & Supplier
Choosing the right tuna product is probably not an easy thing because we must be careful and careful in choose this one product. In processing kinds of tuna meat, this factory has been equipped with sophisticated technologies which may generate better products and quality of the Yellowfin Tuna meat. But forget to give the information of how the fish source and produce.
To give the best product, we will corporate with a tuna supplier in Indonesia by using a local supplier to help in increasing fisher income. Not only Yellowfin Tuna canned, but our factory also provide many other high-quality products like tuna steak, tuna sashimi, tuna belly, tuna flakes and many others.
Yellowfin Tuna Saku & Steaks
For more various ways of processing the tuna, you may purchase the Yellowfin Tuna Steaks from our factory which are as fresh as the Tuna Saku, and they contain greater nutrition than any other meats, like beef.
The end user, in this case, is a seafood restaurant. The Saku and steak yellowfin can store in a freezer before use.
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Bigeye Tuna Supplier
Besides that, the bigeye tuna is important to consumed by children, because it has lots of vitamins for brain intelligence.
Besides that, the consumer will eat healthy tuna to consume with your family at home. We use the legal procedure when caught to prevent the pollutant in the environment and to keep out the population of bigeye tuna itself.
Skipjack Tuna Price
The small size (about 1-3 kg) the price is 3 USD, in medium size (3-7 kg) the price is 6 USD, and for big size (more than 6 kg) usually sell out 9-10 USD. Since the demand is higher than the supplies, thus the price of this species will be quite higher than others.
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Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Ground Meat
Most importantly, to make this kind of dish, it requires fresh tuna meat with high quality.
To keep the condition of tuna fish that will be processed to maintain the quality, before the process begins the fish are stored in a tub that contains ice water that has a temperature of 4 ± 2oC. Then a can must boil to prevent contained by a germ. They will distribute on frozen condition until the supermarket. After you buy a can of tuna ground meat, save it to frozen room in your refrigerator. Frozen will preserve the meat naturally.
Tuna has good nutrition for people.
Yellowfin Tuna Cube
This tuna is served in current condition only the meat alone, without head, tail, and tuna Fishman. It’s very helpful for people or restaurant businessman who desire to buy just for a little amount. The method of reducing the head is by placing the fish on the cutting board, then cut straight by using a sharp machete on the top of the back of the eye to the bottom of the gill cover to remove the head.
Other than that it will taste more delicious because the spice is more pervasive into the segments of fish meat. It will also facilitate the storage and cleanliness of the tuna. You don’t need to waste time to pull out of the spine.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo