Yellow Fin Tuna Kama Suppliers –
Yellowfin tuna, also known as tuna Ahi, is a type of tuna that has a delicious taste of meat. Yellowfin tuna has some other terms like tuna madidihang, yellowfin-tuna (UK) and Thunnus Albacares (latin).
Because of a large amount of yellowfin tuna, it supports the companies to develop the seafood instant product. We have a high standard to measure the quality of meat from the colour, texture, taste, and flavour. Each factory tried to be the leading manufacturer in Indonesia. – Indonesia Frozen Fish Yellow Fin Tuna Bitung Factory
Yellowfin Tuna Manufactures & Supplier
For the Yellowfin Tuna Manufacturers and supplier, you may trust your daily fresh tuna supplies through the Indonesia Tuna Factory. Therefore, you need to be very careful so that keep gets fresh tuna and give excellent benefits.
Because although many nutrients, if the tuna you choose is wrong it will be the possible effect on your health and family. Not only Yellowfin Tuna canned, but our factory also provide many other high-quality products like tuna steak, tuna sashimi, tuna belly, tuna flakes and many others.
Yellowfin Tuna Saku & Steaks
Tuna steak packages are usually produced for a restaurant both exported and domestic.
The size and weight of the meat are across-the-board cut to the order of the buyers or according to the standards that have been applied in the market. The Saku and steak yellowfin can store in a freezer before use. Although shaped meat, Tuna really will not damage the diet program because omega-3 fatty acids in tuna can reduce the risk of obesity and stimulate the hormones so petrified to maintain the normal body. So, do not hesitate to make tuna menu at home for the sake of fulfilling family nutrition and keep the diet.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Bigeye Tuna Supplier
Our factory is one of the best suppliers that you can count on the production of this species. As mentioned before, not only about the high technologies and great experiences, but our factory also has exported many best quality products in the world.
In Indonesia, the biggest supplier of this kind comes from Bali region. We use the legal procedure when caught to prevent the pollutant in the environment and to keep out the population of bigeye tuna itself.
Skipjack Tuna Price
Choosing the right type of tuna to eat may not be easy because you have to be very careful to judge whether the fish is fresh and quality or not. If not selective when selecting instead sometimes will make us regret getting an item not following the wishes.
So, we are challenged to give a variation of the product with affordable price. Since the demand is higher than the supplies, thus the price of this species will be quite higher than others.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
Pinterest : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Supplier
Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo
Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Ground Meat
Most importantly, to make this kind of dish, it requires fresh tuna meat with high quality. Now, you don’t need to worry since you can buy some from our factory anytime you want with affordable price and fresh tuna meat.
Tuna fish are stored in this temporary storage tank until time for the next process is usually ± 2 hours. Frozen tuna canned is the answer to maintain the preserve of fish itself. After you buy a can of tuna ground meat, save it to frozen room in your refrigerator.
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Facebook : Yellowfin Tuna Factory – Indonesia Tuna Factory
GooglePlus : Yellowfin Tuna Factory Yellowfin Supplier
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Twitter : @YellowfinTunaa
Instagram : @yellowfintunasupplierindo